Atelier 34zero Muzeum is an independent art centre, created in 2014. Born from the ashes of the Atelier 340 Muzeum, its main mission is the study and promotion of sculpture and three-dimensional art in Belgium and abroad.

Atelier 34zero Muzeum organises 3 to 4 exhibitions a year in its own spaces as well as several events extra muros. Three types of exhibitions are organised: thematic, confrontational or comparative, and personal (retrospectives).

These are accompanied by quality publications; quadrilingual and richly illustrated catalogues, and postcards.

Save the ParkChers Amis,
Chers Souteneurs,

Sujet: Vente annoncée de l’Atelier 340 Muzeum en pièces détachées

Je vous écris ce petit mot afin de vous faire part de la petite détresse que vit actuellement l’Atelier 340 Muzeum.